Worthy Ideals: Living and Governing by Spiritual Principles

Today being Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the king of nonviolent civil disobedience, it’s prompting my thoughts about spirituality in politics. At the public level, Dr. King, a Christian, was working for equality of all people, regardless of color. This country was founded on religious freedom yet the founders were wise to separate church and state. Dogma and tenants of any religion can be practiced individually but, as I prefer it, not forced upon others. This does not mean our political leaders need to avoid spiritual principles while guiding our city, state, or nation. Spiritual principles, such as honesty, integrity, compassion, and unity serve us well when we embody these ideals and select leaders who strive to serve the highest good of all, not just the lobbyist who donated the most cash. But it’s easy to point fingers. How well am I living by spiritual principles today is the real question.

Am I paying my honest share of taxes with gratitude for the services my government provides? Am I willing to effect change in government with a positive attitude through my vote or other legal means, if there are things with which I disagree? Am I being true to myself while allowing others the same right? Am I being kind and considerate yet not allowing myself to be manipulated? When I fall short of my chosen ideals, do I beat myself up and sit on the “pity pot” or invite spiritual assistance to change my point of view, practice self-compassion, and relax and allow inspiration to guide me to better things? Am I seeking fortune and fame or asking in my morning prayers how I can be of service today for the highest good of all? How can I expect others to embody spiritual principles, if I’m not attempting to do my best in this regard?

Thank you, Dr. King, for living your life in a manner that still inspires others.